Industry & Science Teacher Alliance
by Alan Gardner, Veteran
AP Biology and General Biology Instructor, Horace
Greeley HS, Chappaqua, N.Y. The
human body’s general and specific responses to infection will be covered at a
level appropriate for teachers of both Living Environment and AP Biology
students. The
discussion will include details of innate immune responses, such as the
functioning of natural killer (NK) cells, macrophages, IgA, and compliment
proteins. As well, the complex interactions of cells involved in the active
immune system will be detailed, with special attention being given to CD4 and
CD8 receptor proteins. The functioning of the genetic systems that code for the
various classes of antibodies and receptor proteins will be included. An
activity appropriate for both Living Environment and AP students on allergies
and anaphylaxis will conclude the day’s agenda. Handouts appropriate for
student use will be provided for each participant as part of the seminar. Target
Audience : High School Honors and AP Biology Teachers Place: Purchase College, Natural Science Building,
Purchase, N.Y. Date : Saturday, March 22nd ,2003 Time: 8:30am-12:30pm
by : Putnam-Westchester Industry & Science Teachers Alliance and The Teacher
Center at SUNY Purchase Cost : $ 75.00 ( includes Refreshments , Literature, Handouts and Textbooks)
"Leave No Teacher Behind " is our Motto