Industry & Science Teacher Alliance
Presented by David Fritz, College Board Pre-AP Consultant
This class is designed to assist teachers align the English curriculum at the secondary level to create a vertical class sequence to assist in preparing students for the rigors of Advance Placement in English classes. The workshop will address the overall goal of vertical teaming as well as the plan of implementation for a successful programmatic change. Teachers will have the opportunity to discuss strategies and to create outcomes at particular grade levels that will lead up to AP classes. Specific strategies and techniques will be discussed throughout the workshop. All English teachers from middle school and high school can benefit by learning about the various skills and terms that AP class requires. The goal of this workshop is to give teachers a plan to create an English curriculum that will help more students be successful in taking AP courses. 2008 PWISTA Flyers/PWISTA Summer 08 Institute Pre-Ap English.pdf
Date: June 30th – July 3rd, 2008 Credit : A 30-hour certificate toward in-service credit will be issued for use according to your school district’s policy. Local Housing Accommodations ( approximately 20 to 30 minutes from HS) Hilton Garden Inn, Danbury, Conn. Hilton Garden Inn, Fishkill, NY Hampton Inn, Fishkill, NY Local Housing Accommodations ( approximately 5 minutes from Mahopac HS) Budget Motor Inn, 215 Route 6, Mahopac, NY 10541 845-628-6991
"Leave No Teacher Behind " is our Motto