Industry & Science Teacher Alliance
PWISTA - Summer Institute 2003 Training For
Middle and High School Teachers, Authentic Science Research Teachers PWISTA,
Putnam-Westchester Industry and Science Teacher Alliance, is designed to
enhance teachers’ knowledge in modern instrumentation and technology used in
industry today. This program will advance your background in analytical skills
used in modern laboratories. It will help teachers transfer their knowledge of
science applications into better classroom activities. The primary purpose for
each of these sessions is to provide teachers, like you, with the opportunity
to experience relevant hands-on science experiments that can be brought back
to the science classroom and laboratory. PWISTA is open to all science
teachers interested in consumer, material and environmental science. This
program is also very good for teachers who are teaching Authentic Science
Research Programs. Presenters:
Local Science Researchers and Industry Representatives Dates
: July 21st
- July 25th, 2003
"Leave No Teacher Behind " is our Motto