Industry & Science Teacher Alliance
Presented by Headed by Alan Gardner Veteran AP Biology and Honors Biology Instructor, New Rochelle HS, New Rochelle , New York This four Saturday institute will provide an opportunity for high school biology " Living Environment " teachers to observe significant teaching demonstrations and to review with presenters a variety of topics covered in Biology. The institute will provide information and materials to participating teachers that will:
central theme of the four session workshop will be cells. During the sessions
current information in the field of cell biology will be integrated with
laboratory experiments and learning activities appropriate for living
environment students. As well, experimental design and extended applications for
class projects will be the focus of discussion. Participants will receive both
digital and hard copies of documents used in the course. Both experienced and novice Biology teachers can benefit from this program. Dates: Saturday, 9/29/07, 10/20/07, 12/1/07, 1/26/08 Time : 8:30 AM-4:00 PM Cost: $595.00 ( includes Breakfast and Lunch) Place: New Rochelle High School Sponsored by: PWISTA Credit : A 30-hour certificate toward in-service credit will be issued for use according to your school district’s policy. Manhattanville College - Three Graduate Science Education Credits available upon completion of Project at an additional cost of $ 870.00. SUNY Purchase -Two Undergraduate Biology Credits available upon completion of project at an additional cost of $430.00 . For college credit information contact: Dr. Peter Corfield, 914-251-6675 or email pwrc@ns.purchase.edu Peter W. R. Corfield, Ph. D. Use online registration form below: Send Payment to PWISTA , 67 Fassitt Drive, Mahopac, N.Y. 10541
"Leave No Teacher Behind " is our Motto