Industry & Science Teacher Alliance
Presented by Larry Weisberg, Biology Instructor, Mahopac HS This four saturday institute will provide an opportunity for high school biology " Living Environment " teachers to observe significant teaching demonstrations and to review with presenters a variety of topics covered in Biology. The institute will provide information and materials to participating teachers that will:
activities-based course provides information on teaching zoology with or without
live animals in the classroom. The course will provide participants with various
activites that enhance student understanding and knowlege of many different
animals from around the world. The activities will reflect the following topics
over a four Saturday period: Both experienced and novice Biology teachers can benefit from this program. The program consists of 30 hours of training. Each Day will be focused to specific areas of the forensic science curriculum. Date: October 6, 2007, December 1, 2007, March 1st , 2008, April 5th, 2008. Time : 8:30 AM-4:00 PM Cost: $595.00 ( includes Breakfast and Lunch) Place: Science Wing, Mahopac High School, Mahopac, New York Sponsored by: PWISTA Credit : A 30-hour certificate toward in-service credit will be issued for use according to your school district’s policy. Manhattanville College - Three Graduate Science Education Credits available upon completion of Project at an additional cost of $ 870.00. For college credit information contact: Dr. Peter Corfield, 914-251-6675 or email pwrc@ns.purchase.edu Peter W. R. Corfield, Ph. D.
Please make checks payable to PWISTA and mail to: PWISTA , 67 Fassitt Drive, Mahopac, N.Y. 10541 Use online registration form below:
PWISTA , 67 Fassitt Drive, Mahopac, N.Y. 10541
"Leave No Teacher Behind " is our Motto