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Methods of Teaching AP Biology for Novice AP Biology Teachers

Presented by 

Professor Leo Alves, Ph.D., Manhattan College, Bronx, NY

Professor Patricia A. Grove, Ph.D.,  College of Mount Saint Vincent

Course Description

 This laboratory-intensive course provides an overview of the basic structure and content necessary for an Advanced Placement Biology course. The course will incorporate insights from recent work of the AP Biology Development Committee as well as some recent administrations of the AP Biology Examination. The examination and its grading will be discussed. Participants will develop a detailed syllabus and course calendar for an AP Biology course. Participants have the opportunity to perform most of the laboratory exercises mandated for an AP Biology course.

 Topics to be covered

 Best practices in teaching AP Biology, including:

bullet Selecting teaching materials
bullet Allocating class and lab time
bullet Maximizing student learning in lab
bullet Teaching strategies
bullet Assessment strategies
bullet Preparing students for the AP Biology Exam







This Program is designed for Novice AP Biology Instructors with less than Six Years AP Experience.

2008 PWISTA Flyers/PWISTA Summer 08 Institute Biology.pdf

Date: June 30th - July 3rd,  2008

Time : 8:30 AM-4:00 PM 

Cost:  $595.00 ( includes Breakfast and Lunch)

Place: Science Wing, Mahopac High School, Mahopac, New York

Sponsored by: PWISTA and the  College Board

Credit : A 30-hour certificate toward in-service credit will be issued for use according  to your school district’s policy.

Manhattanville College - Three Graduate Science Education Credits available upon  completion of Project  at an additional cost .

SUNY Purchase -Two Undergraduate Biology Credits available upon completion of project at an additional cost .

For college credit information link:


Directions to Mahopac HS

Local Housing Accommodations ( approximately 20 to 30 minutes from HS)

Peekskill Inn

Hilton Garden Inn, Danbury, Conn.

Hilton Garden Inn, Fishkill, NY

Hampton Inn, Fishkill, NY

Local Housing Accommodations ( approximately 5 minutes from Mahopac HS)

Budget Motor Inn, 215 Route 6, Mahopac, NY 10541 845-628-6991 A map of 421 Baldwin Place Rd, Mahopac, NY 10541. Click to see the map on MSN Maps & Directions



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