Industry & Science Teacher Alliance
Methods of Teaching AP Biology (Molecules and Cells) Presented by Alan Gardner Veteran AP Biology and Honors Biology Instructor, Harrison
High School, Harrison, New York
Various topics in the fields of cell biology, biochemistry, respiration, and
photosynthesis will be the focus for lectures and laboratory experiments.
Discussions will include the chemical reactions in the Golgi apparatus, membrane
potential, electron transport chains, conformational shape of proteins, and the
reactions of respiration and photosynthesis. Techniques for effectively using
the spectrophotometer (Spectronic 20) will be a focus of lab work and
participants will have the opportunity to perform a series of labs employing
quantitative spectrophotometric analysis. Date: July 8th-July 12th Time : 8:30 AM-3:30 PM Cost: $330.00 ( includes Breakfast and Lunch) Place: Science Wing, Ossining High School, Ossining, New York Sponsored by: PWISTA, Teaching Center at SUNY Purchase, and the Center for Science and Math Education of SUNY Purchase Credit : A 30-hour certificate toward in-service credit will be issued for use according to your school district’s policy. Three Graduate Science Education Credits available upon completion of Project at an additional cost of $ 780.00. Three Undergraduate Biology Credits available upon completion of project at an additional cost of $450.00.
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