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Methods of Teaching AP Chemistry for Novice AP Chemistry Teachers

( Sequence,  Vernier Technology,  Stoichiometry, Kinetics, Equilibrium and Acid / Base Chemistry)

Presented by 

Mark Langella , Veteran AP Chemistry, Honors Chemistry Instructor and AP Consultant,  Mahopac High School, Mahopac, New York




This four day  summer institute will provide an opportunity for high school AP Chemistry teachers to observe significant teaching demonstrations, perform experimental procedures using computer interfaced equipment, and to review with presenters a variety of topics covered in AP Chemistry. 

The institute will provide information and materials to participating teachers that will:


enhance your classroom presentations in many areas of the AP Chemistry program.


encourage teachers to use methods in their classrooms that involve new demonstration ideas


expand the scope of your laboratory activities using computer interfaced equipment.


provide a forum for discussion and sharing of their materials and ideas.


refine your skills in examination preparation

* College Board, AP, Advanced Placement Program, AP Vertical Teams, Pre-AP and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of the College Board. Used with permission

Topics to be covered will include: 

AP Chemistry Program

Assigned  Reading Assignments



Wednesday -

Thursday -


Monday AM-

Distribution of Latest Information

Network Systems

AP Exam Structure

Formula Sheet Overview

Time Table

Textbook Evaluations

AP Publications and Multimedia Resources

Topic Sequence

Laboratory Performance Skills

Recommended Experiments based on previous Laboratory Activity Questions

Discuss Changes to structure

Prepare Equilibrium Lab

Monday PM-

Micro scale Techniques

Vernier Technology


Tuesday AM- 

Method of Teaching Reactions Unit

Tuesday PM

Labs related to reactions unit



 Wednesday AM

Methods of Teaching Kinetics

Food Coloring Oxidation

Light Stick Kinetics

Acidified Thiosulfate Kinetics Study

Wednesday PM

Methods of Teaching Equilibrium-

 Equilibrium and LeChatelier Demos-

Ksp of Calcium Hydroxide-

Determination of Equilibrium Constant


Thursday AM

Micro scale - Prep. and Standardization of NaOH

pH titration of monoprotic acid w-technology-

 Thursday PM

Determination of the pKa of bromcresol green w-computers -



I.    Course Description

This course surveys the basic structure and content necessary for an Advanced Placement Chemistry course. Chemistry topics such as equilibrium, kinetics, and “how to” problem solving are presented, along with special emphasis on the descriptive chemistry of reactions. Class size, student selection, textbooks and labs are also addressed. Special attention is paid to teaching strategies, the AP exam and its grading. Some lab experiments suitable for AP classes are incorporated into the course. Participants receive examples of past AP exams, appropriate tests, worksheets and lab experiments.


II.    Goals/Objectives


The institute will provide information and materials to participating teachers that will:


·        enhance your classroom presentations in many areas of the AP Chemistry program.


·        encourage teachers to use methods in their classrooms that involve new demonstration ideas


·        expand the scope of your laboratory activities using computer interfaced equipment.


·        provide a forum for discussion and sharing of their materials and ideas.


·        refine your skills in examination preparation


III.   Assignments/Requirements

Assignments for the workshop will be the submission of a detailed lab write ups and calculations of problems assigned during the lab activities. Each Participant will be asked to present AP problems to all the participants.


IV.   Required Texts/Reading

At the workshop, we will distribute to each of participants  a hardcopy of the grading standards for the recent free-response questions as well as a compilation of free-response questions from previous years. They  will receive a copy of the student laboratory manual and the teacher’s manual. Participants will be assigned AP problems for homework.  Lab data and calculations will be collected and used as part of your assessment. Online Reading and Assignments http://www.pwista.com/apassignment.htm

V.     Grading Criteria

50 % - Laboratory Assignments and completed Computations

40 % - Presentation of assigned AP problem Presentation

10 %- Attendance


VI.    Attendance Policy

Attendance in all sessions.


VII.   Course Schedule

Date: June 28th - July 1st,  2010.

Time : 8:00 AM-3:30 PM 

VIII.  Bibliography



Brown, Lemay, and Bursten. Chemistry , The Central Science. 11 th ed.

Zumdahl, Steven. Chemistry.


Laboratory Manuals

We do not use a lab manuals but rather a collection of labs instructor has  written or from outside sources.

These include:

Masterson, William L., and Emil J. Slowinski. Chemical Principles in the Laboratory. 5th ed.

Ehrenkranz, David and John J. Mauch. Chemistry in Microscale.

Jack Randall, Advanced Chemistry with Vernier , Walter Rohr, Eastchester HS

Demonstration Resources

Shakhashiri, Bassam. Chemical Demonstrations: A Handbook for

Teachers of Chemistry.



IX.     Other Requirements/Information  

            Please review any literature you may already have from the College Board so that you are aware of the suggested design of an AP Chemistry course. On the first day of the workshop, you will receive a packet of additional College Board-supplied materials, including a laboratory manual and a laboratory preparation manual.

             The workshop will give you hands-on experience in actually performing many of the AP lab exercises. Additionally, we will have available for your inspection copies of many of the textbooks most commonly used by AP teachers, as well as ancillary materials.

            We will spend some time on the structure of the exam, the reading of the answers to the free-response questions, and other aspects that, we hope, will help you in preparing your students. Participants will be assigned AP problems for homework.  Lab data and calculations will be collected and used as part of your assessment      You should begin to gather the following a copy of your course syllabus/outline; and any software and written or video materials that you use in your program and that you might like to share with other workshop participants.

Materials that you should bring to the workshop include: lined paper; 3-hole punch (optional); three overhead blank slides and overhead markers, writeable CDs or a flash drive, a straight-edge/metric ruler; a calculator; a stapler; and a watch that will allow you to time exercises in seconds. Since some of the exercises are lab activities, you should bring a pair of safety goggles.

If you have a laptop please feel free to bring it with you to the workshop beginning day 2. If you bring your laptop I provide you with a free program and files which are designed for the AP program.

All late assignments will receive a 10% penalty for everyday they are late. All work is due by the last day of class.


Teachers are expected to conform to the accepted standards of the university with regard to plagiarism. Those with disabilities will have all necessary modifications made to address their individual circumstance. Students  unable to complete the assignment in a timely fashion should contact the instructor  to arrange for an extension.

(each area will include experimental work to support the concepts)

The course surveys the basic structure and content necessary for an Advanced Placement Chemistry course. Chemistry topics such as “how-to” problem solving, Acid and Base Chemistry will be presented along with special emphasis on the descriptive chemistry of reactions. Class size, selection of students, textbooks, and labs will also be addressed. Special attention will be paid to teaching strategies as well as the AP exam and its grading. Laboratory work, suitable for AP classes, will be incorporated into the course. Participants will receive examples of past AP exams, appropriate tests, worksheets, and lab experiments.

This Program is designed for Novice AP Chemistry Instructors with less than Six Years AP Experience.

Date: June 28th - July 1st,  2010.

Time : 8:00 AM-3:30 PM 

Cost:  $595.00

Place: Science Wing, Mahopac High School, Mahopac, New York

Sponsored by: PWISTA and the  College Board

Credit : A 30-hour certificate toward in-service credit will be issued for use according  to your school district’s policy.

Manhattanville College - Three Graduate Science Education Credits available upon  completion of Project  at an additional cost.

SUNY Purchase [Chemistry BCH.1020 ]-Two Undergraduate Chemistry Credits available upon completion of project at an additional cost .

For college credit information link:

Directions to Mahopac HS

Local Housing Accommodations ( approximately 20 to 30 minutes from HS)

Peekskill Inn

Hilton Garden Inn, Danbury, Conn.

Hilton Garden Inn, Fishkill, NY

Hampton Inn, Fishkill, NY

Holiday Inn, Fishkill, NY

Holiday Inn, Mt Kisco, NY

Local Housing Accommodations ( approximately 5 minutes from Mahopac HS)

Budget Motor Inn, 215 Route 6, Mahopac, NY 10541 845-628-6991

 A map of 421 Baldwin Place Rd, Mahopac, NY 10541. Click to see the map on MSN Maps & Directions


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