Industry & Science Teacher Alliance
Methods of Teaching AP Chemistry ( Sequence, Vernier Technology, Chemical Reactions, Kinetics, Equilibrium and Acid / Base Chemistry) Presented by Mark Langella , Veteran AP Chemistry, Honors Chemistry
Instructor and AP Consultant, Mahopac High School, Mahopac, New York
This four day summer institute will provide an opportunity for high school AP Chemistry teachers to observe significant teaching demonstrations, perform experimental procedures using computer interfaced equipment, and to review with presenters a variety of topics covered in AP Chemistry. * College Board, AP, Advanced Placement Program, AP Vertical Teams, Pre-AP and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of the College Board. Used with permission Topics to be covered will include: AP Chemistry Program-
I. Course Description This course surveys the basic structure and content necessary for an Advanced Placement Chemistry course. Chemistry topics such as equilibrium, kinetics, and “how to” problem solving are presented, along with special emphasis on the descriptive chemistry of reactions. Class size, student selection, textbooks and labs are also addressed. Special attention is paid to teaching strategies, the AP exam and its grading. Some lab experiments suitable for AP classes are incorporated into the course. Participants receive examples of past AP exams, appropriate tests, worksheets and lab experiments. This course will provide an overview of the redesigned
Advanced Placement Chemistry course. In the redesigned AP Exam, the
College Board, in collaboration with the National Science Foundation, has done
the following: All participants will have access for the four days of the workshop to
II. Goals/Objectives The institute will provide information and materials to participating teachers that will:
III. Assignments/Requirements Assignments for the workshop will be the submission of a detailed lab write ups and calculations of problems assigned during the lab activities. Each Participant will be asked to present AP problems to all the participants. IV. Required Texts/Reading At the workshop, we will distribute to each of participants a hardcopy of the grading standards for the recent free-response questions as well as a compilation of free-response questions from previous years. Participants will be assigned AP problems for homework. Lab data and calculations will be collected and used as part of your assessment. Online Reading and Assignments http://www.pwista.com/apassignment.htm V. Grading Criteria
VI. Attendance Policy Attendance in all sessions. VI. Bibliography Date: June 25th- June 28 th, 2012 Time : 8:00 AM-3:30 PM Cost: $695.00 Place: Science Wing, Mahopac High School, Mahopac, New York Sponsored by: PWISTA and the College Board Credit : A 30-hour certificate toward in-service credit will be issued for use according to your school district’s policy. Manhattanville College - Three Graduate Science Education Credits available upon completion of Project at an additional cost. For college credit information link Local Housing Accommodations ( approximately 20 to 30 minutes from HS)
Local Housing Accommodations ( approximately 5 minutes from Mahopac HS) Budget Motor Inn, 215 Route 6, Mahopac, NY 10541 845-628-6991
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