Resource Site License

Yearly Access

This online website is provided for AP Chemistry teachers in need of additional support to increase mastery.

Access to the site will provide the following items all on one site:

 Sequential Course Curriculum

 Links to numerous Sequenced Online Applets

 Lab Activities and Class Demonstrations Sequenced by Topic

 Links to numerous sequenced curriculum video clips

 Class Notes and HW Samples

 Various PowerPoint’s, Overhead Notes, Handouts Organized by Topic

 Student Study Guidelines

 Content Support Throughout the School Year

 Over 27 Years of collected Teacher Support Materials saved as pdf, word and htm format

The institute will provide information and materials to participating teachers that will:

 Enhance your classroom presentations in many areas of the AP Chemistry program
 Encourage teachers to use methods in their classrooms that involve new demonstration ideas
 Expand the scope of your laboratory activities using computer interfaced equipment
 Provide a forum for discussion and sharing of their materials and ideas

Refine your skills in examination preparation

Date: September 15th  to End of Current School Year Registered.

Cost:  $595.00

Sponsored by: PWISTA

To purchase a yearly user name and password to use the site in your classroom  please fill out the registration form below.

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